Main Channel Passage Depth Allowance

Mariners, Port Users and Vessel Operators/Agents are advised of the following Main Channel Depth Allowances have changed due to a build up of sand at the outer bar area of the main channel.

Mariners are now advised to work to a channel clearance of 3.5m above chart Datum.
(From the River Neath Tide Tables – deduct 1.5m) to give the clearance height over the bar at HW.

Mariners will require to apply the rule of 12th to work out depths at various times over each tide.

Mariners are advised to proceed with caution when transiting over the bar, and make the necessary adjustments for swell to allow for safe under keel clearance.

See chart 1161 insert on page 2, showing the main channel bar area (sand build up)

See also survey report lines 11 to 14 showing the levels of sand marked in red.


Also in Notices to Mariners:
